Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/151

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She and I

"You are to be sure that she is as innocent as a child."

"But what am I to think? It seems now that you both were there. I have no doubt whatever that the man quite deserved being killed; if she didn't kill him, then did you?"

"God forbid!"

Miss Moore had her hat on. She made a discovery.

"I had a cloak. I feel sure I had a cloak. Where's it gone?"

"Never mind about your cloak; it's warm enough to-day, you'll be able to do quite well without it."

I caught Miss Adair's glance; plainly she remembered what I had said about the condition of that garment; there was renewed suspicion in her eye. I turned to Mrs. Peddar.

"We don't want to go through the main entrance; isn't there another way?"

"There is the service lift, and there are the service stairs."

"The very thing; show us where they are."

She showed us where they were; and we three went down the servants' staircase, through a back door, into a side street, no one saying us nay. I saw the two girls into a cab. As they were starting Miss Moore leaned her head out.