Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/165

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He and I

telligence, or I'm persuaded that you'd perceive, as I perceive, that the truth will out, and that before very long."

"Then am I to take it you'll walk away with banners flying?"

"I don't know about the banners flying, but I'll walk away."

"With her?"

"You've no right to say that."

"And what right do you suppose you have to say what you've been saying, when you know that she's to me the light of my eyes, the breath of my nostrils? when, these dozen years and more, since she was a little child in little frocks, I've waited on her will, won for her a place upon the stage I hate because she loved it, blazoned abroad her fame, because to be famous was her pleasure, although I knew that every cry of applause took her farther from me still, and farther! And now you come and say that you saw her for the first time last night, yet talk glibly of having known her all your life, and brag of being ready to sacrifice yourself for her. Do you think if she were herself she'd accept your sacrifice?—you speak of knowing her, and yet think that? Go to!—But, see here, if you burn with a desire to make yourself a scapegoat, I am willing."

"You are willing?"