Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/242

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We looked each other in the face.

"You heard it?" Her voice quavered.

"I heard something. It was only a woman's laughter. She is somewhere close at hand, but is hidden from us by the fog."

"It was That which did it. Do you think I can be wrong? It is with Mr. Lawrence. It is his shadow: it follows close behind him."

She was shivering from head to foot. Her eyes were distended, her face white; I was fearful of I knew not what. Hailing a passing hansom, I had practically to lift her into it. She seemed to have all at once grown helpless. I told the driver to take us to Victoria—fast. An idea had occurred to me. The Ostend boat train left at half-past five. We might be able to catch it. Anything was preferable to inaction. The sooner we were out of London the better it would be. She was still trembling as she sat beside me in the cab. I tried to calm her.