Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/92

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The Goddess

are private, and that it is not necessary that I should open to every person who takes it into his head to knock."

As, opening the door, I planted myself in the doorway, Mr. Symonds looked at me as if surprised. He was not a little man, but I was a good head taller, and I fancy that he had not expected to find me quite so big, or he would have hustled past me. As it was, he refrained.

"I am informed that you have some one in your rooms who can give important information in the matter of Mr. Edwin Lawrence's murder."

"Indeed. Who is your informant?"

"I am. You will find, Ferguson, that you cannot play with edged tools."

Hume was the speaker.

"So? Pray enter, Mr. Symonds." Hume tried to pass in after him. "If you don't mind, I would rather not. I think that edged tools are better outside."

I shut the door in his face; he taking my cavalier treatment of him more meekly than he was wont to do. Perhaps he remembered.

Mr. Symonds immediately assailed the lamblike Mr. Morley.

"I believe that your name is Morley; and that you are in the service of Mr. Philip Lawrence. What information have you to give with reference to the murder of his brother?"