Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/1746

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Attendees at the National Security Council meeting, November 10, 1969.

Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President

William P. Rogers, Sec of State

John Mitchell, Attorney General

George A. Lincoln, Dir of OEP

David Packard, Dep Sec of Defense

Gerard Smith, Dir of ACDA

Philip J. Farley, Dep Dir of ACDA

Earle G. Wheeler, Chmn of the JCS

Royal Allison, Maj General

Richard Helms, Dir of CIA

Paul Nitze, Dept of Defense

Henry A. Kissinger, Asst to the President

Andrew J. Goodpaster, General

William Watts, NSC staff member

Helmut Sonnenfeldt, NSC staff member

Laurence E. Lynn, NSC staff member

Clinton Conger, CIA


General Goodpaster attended the meeting from 4:45-5:03.