Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/70

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List of those Attending Cabinet Meeting, Friday, February 7, 1969
10:00-11:30 A. M.

  1. The President
  2. Spiro T. Agnew
  3. William P. Rogers
  4. David M. Kennedy
  5. Melvin R. Laird
  6. John N. Mitchell
  7. Winton M. Blount
  8. Walter J. Hickel
  9. Clifford M. Hardin
  10. Maurice H. Stans
  11. George P. Shultz
  12. Robert H. Finch
  13. George W. Romney
  14. John A. Volpe
  15. Robert P. Mayo
  16. Charles W. Yost
  17. Arthur Burns
  18. H. R. Haldeman
  19. Bryce N. Harlow
  20. Henry A. Kïssinger
  21. Herbert G. Klein
  22. James Keogh
  23. Lee DuBridge
  24. Paul W. McCracken
  25. Daniel P. Moynihan (Steve Hess substited)
  26. Ronald L. Ziegler
  27. C. Stanley Blair
  28. John D. Ehrlichman
  29. Bud Wilkinson
  30. John C. Whitaker