Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/91

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Wednesday. February 12. 1969

Your car will arrive at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:15 p.m . As you approach, the United States Army Band will cease playing and the troops will be given ATTENTION. Major General Charles S. O'Malley, Jr., the Commanding General, Mi1tary District of Washington, will greet you at the curb and welcome you. General O'Malley will then turn towards the Lincoln Memorial and render a hand salute. As he salutes, the cordon commander will command PRESENT ARMS. This command will clue the band to begin playing four ruffles and flourishes followed by "Hail to the Chief." On the first note of "Hail to the Chief," the Presidential party will move towards the Memorial. The joint honor cordon and the state and territorial flags will come TO THE CARRY by the ripple as the party proceeds by. The cordon commander will keep the cordon at PRESENT ARMS as the Presidential party passes through the joint honor cordon.

You will walk to a pre-marked position at the base of the statue and halt. The wreath bearer, who has been trailing behind, will move to a position immediately in front of you. You will then place your hands on the wreath and move forward to place the wreath. After placing the wreath, move back to your former position. (See attached photo for example of wreath).

When you have returned to your original position, the drummer will sound four muffled ruffles followed by Taps. You should salute during Taps. At the conclusion of Taps. you will move and greet the other dignitaries that are in the rotunda. These guests will include:

Senator Dirksen
Senator Mathias
Representative Schwengel
H. E. Dr. Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa, Ambassador from Nicaragua
Under-Secretary Train, Interior
Mayor Washington
Mr. George Hartzog, Director National Park Service
Colonel McHarg, Commander, Loyal Legion