Page:Richardson - 2835 Mayfair (1907).djvu/97

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As the result of his interview with Nellie, Reggie was more puzzled than ever. He had thought of going to Harding and consulting him on the matter, but on reflection it seemed to him that the wisest course would be to place the whole story before Clifford Oakleigh.

He walked down to Arthur's, spent an hour or two playing Bridge, and then returned to King Street.

Soon after his arrival, he heard the eminent physician's key in the door. He went out into the hall to receive him.

"May I have a few words with you, sir?"

"Come into the sitting-room." Clifford smiled.

"You're not going to give notice, I hope?"

"No, sir, I'm not going to give notice, but I have just heard something that I think you ought to know."

Clifford shot a keen glance at him.

"Who did you hear it from?"

"From Nellie, the under-housemaid next door."

His master smiled.

"Ah, Pardell, Pardell," he said with mock gravity,