Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/225

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Trails to Two Moons

Zang waited.

Agnew, with a hastily snatched lamp in his hand, first directed his wife through the corridors of the courthouse and out of a side door, bidding her turn to a near-by house for shelter. Then he hurried back to the living quarters and to the room where Hilma had been put to bed. Just as he opened the door and his quick eye told him the bed was empty, a leg was thrown over the sill of the opened window and the figure of a man pitched into the room. Instantly another man's hands appeared on the window ledge.

"Timberline Todd! What——" Before the sheriff could set the lamp down and reach to his holster, the gaunt cow-puncher had lurched into his midriff. Down they went. The light crashed out.

"This way, boys!" Agnew heard the sibilant whisper from the direction of the window. "We got Red an' his keys."

Agnew fought desperately. He felt bodies hurled upon him. Fingers groped for his throat. Something struck him on the head, and he knew no more.

Through the window Hilma had left open in her flight ten of the cattle clan came tum-