Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/249

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Trails to Two Moons

"The most reg'lar treatment for hoss thieves," said he, "is to drive 'em under a Cottonwood tree, an' when somebody gives the bronc a cut he runs away, leavin' Mister Hoss Thief right there under the cottonwood tree. But the law hereabouts don't say they 's no special treatment for special cases." The smiling lips were slowly descending toward hers. Fun devils danced in those black eyes.

"Which it 's my privilege an' my duty right here an' now to do."

He kissed her full on the lips. He laughed and kissed her again. Then, just as he released the hold on her straining arms, he leaped lightly out of the saddle and was sitting on Tige's back before Hilma could fully recover herself.

The girl swayed slightly. Her face was drained white. Her startled eyes stared straight ahead. "Oh!" she whispered, and again, "Oh!"

"Now we 'll be amblin' along," came Original's matter-of-fact command. Tige broke into a trot and the livery horse dumbly followed. Hilma set her feet in the stirrups and pulled her skirts down to cover her stockings. Automatic were her movements. Her mind