Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/254

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Trails to Two Moons

"You see, sheriff, somebody 's took the law outa your hands, an' they say I 'm free," the outlaw explained a little sheepishly. "Of course, if you 're wishful to run counter——"

"Why, you poor orphan idjit," the blacksmith caught him up. "Do I hear you pleadin' with Red Agnew here to lock you up again? Vamose while the court 's feelin' its oats and is kind to you."

"Just let me have a word alone with Agnew here, boys," Zang pleaded, "then I 'll do whatever you want." The crowd, complaisant in its triumph of the night, backed out of the room, leaving the two alone. Zang helped Agnew to his feet and sat him on the edge of the bed.

"Where 's the girl, Red?" he questioned tensely.

"Gone, Zang. Kidnapped, I 'm afraid, by the cow-punchers." Zang started and his hand fell on the other's shoulder.

"Pull yourself together, Red," he urged. "Do a little thinking before you talk wild. What do you mean, kidnapped?"

"Mean what I say. After I 'd brought you down from the cell house I come in here to get the girl, like I promised you. She 's not here.