Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/276

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Trails to Two Moons

our plans accordin' when the main outfit joins us."

"Where you reckon to find our li'l Zang friend?" Rogers queried. "Do you know which 's his boodwar, as the fambly-fireside paper calls it?"

"Zang 's never asked me to drink a demmytass of chocolate with him in his boo-do-war," Original returned. "Which it 's been mighty unsocial of him an' wounding to the spirit. I reckon we 'll just project round until we find where Zang's bedroom an' bawth happen to be. I don't aim to send in my card by the butler, neither."

A bend in the road showed them, ahead, a dark huddle of buildings, four in all, and the spidery bars of a corral beyond. Three of the low sod-roofed houses stood together in a group; the fourth was a little way apart. From the windows of two of them yellow squares of light cut so many lozenges through the black cloak of the dark.

"That far one would be where Lonny Taylor holes out, him being married," Original ventured a guess. "Zang, I take it, has a house to himself, an' the other two are bunk houses for the gang. Only way we can spot