Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/280

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Trails to Two Moons

He was on the point of despairing when Timberline touched him on the arm and pointed to another window, hitherto overlooked. It was up under the peak of the roof, evidently looking out from a loft within. The distance from ground to sill was not more than ten feet. Original measured the distance with a calculating eye, then beckoned his companions to stand beneath the window with arms locked over each other's shoulders.

"I 'll go it alone," he breathed. "If you hear any trouble inside don't try to take on the crowd that will swarm down. Cut for the horses an' make it down toward Tisdale's to meet up with the rest of our outfit. I can stand off this bunch 'til they come."

With this parting injunction the lithe little man swarmed up the bodies of his friends until he stood on their shoulders. Once more the knife blade under a sash. This time the sash rose easily. Original slowly pushed it high, gave a light spring from supporting shoulders and disappeared through the black square in the log wall. The duet of snores remained unbroken.

The instant Original's carefully lowered toes struck flooring beneath the window the whole