Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/108

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Order of the Eastern Star.

and Associate Grand Conductress and "Worthy" before the rest of the Grand Officers. Whenever "Grand Chapter" occurs, prefix the word "General."]

The Grand Marshal will then present the officers to the Grand Matron or Grand Patron.

G. M. Grand —————, I have the pleasure to present to you for installation, these sisters and brothers, who have been duly elected and chosen to preside over us and assist in conducting the business of this Grand Chapter and to discharge all other duties appertaining to their several stations until their successors are lawfully chosen and installed.

Installing Officer rises and calls up the Grand Chapter, which is addressed as follows:

Grand —————. Sisters and brothers of the Grand Chapter, these persons, selected by you, are now ready and willing to take upon themselves the obligations, duties and responsibilities of office. In our beautiful Order, preferment to office should not be sought after, but should come to the individual chosen as an honor, justly merited and freely bestowed. Those only should be chosen who, by