Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/65

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Initiation Ceremonies.

whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die. Believest thou this?" Here is the record of her unfaltering trust; here the record of her hope, inspired by the teachings of Jesus, that beyond the grave, the loved ones gone before are waiting to welcome us to our eternal home. In the measureless realm of time, how brief is our earthly life ; yet how moment- ous and eternal its issues! Life's experiences, coming thick and fast, are the soul's appointed means of growth. To-day, we build our castles, to-morrow, fickle fortune snatches from hope the promised joy. To-day, prosperity or the presence of loved ones fills our cup with joy; to-morrow, adversity or sore bereavement casts us into the valley of sorrow.

My sister, may you have the trustful faith of Martha; it will lighten the burden of sorrow and incline you to the voice of duty.

The sign of this degree is given by—

Repeat from secret work. (12.)

The pass. ( 13. ) The color appropriate to this degree is green; an emblem of nature's life and beauty and a symbol of Martha's trustful faith and Hope of Immortality.