Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/86

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Order of the Eastern Star.
understandings among the members of your Chapter. You should be cautious in the execution of your trust, courteous to the members and ever ready to render a helping hand to sisters or brothers in affliction or adversity. You should set an example of good order and punctuality; for only by so doing can you expect similar attention from others. Whatever you would deem praiseworthy in another, in your position, you should carefully imitate; and with equal care, avoid what would be blameworthy. Within the Chapter, it will be your duty to see that its regular meetings are held and special meetings called, whenever the good of the Chapter demands them; that your subordinates fill their stations with honor and usefulness; that the By-Laws be implicitly obeyed; that the funds, records, rituals and other property of the Chapter be properly preserved by the officers in whose charge they are placed; that the cry of the widow and orphan shall never be heard in vain; and that this Chapter fails in nothing for which it was estab-