Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/155

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tide rises 18 feet, there is to be a jetty 1000 feet in length. Basins are to be constructed at Sandwich, and Abbott's Mill, Canterbury. At the latter place the surface of the navigation will be 27 feet above low water spring tides, and 9 feet above high water.

The total length of the navigation, when improved, will be twenty miles, six furlongs and eight chains; the estimate for which was made by Mr. James Morgan, civil engineer, and amounted to the sum of £70,657, 13s. 7d.

The company have power to raise among themselves, for the above purposes, the sum of £100,000, in four thousand shares of £25 each, and in case the above sum is insufficient, power is given to raise an additional sum of £40,000, by mortgage of the undertaking; half of which sum may be raised by way of annuity, or they may borrow, at their option, the above sum of £40,000 of the Exchequer Bill Commissioners.

The improved navigation is to be under the management of directors, who have power to appoint a governor and deputy. The present navigation, however, is not to be interfered with until the harbour and the cuts from Fordwich to Canterbury are finished.

The new harbour and haven of Sandwich to be considered as within the liberties of the town and port of Sandwich and the Cinque Ports; and that the lord warden of the Cinque Ports, the constable of Dover Castle, and the mayor, jurats, and commonalty of Sandwich, &c. are to have jurisdiction in the same manner as before exercised by them over the old haven and harbour of Sandwich.

By an act of 32nd George III. entitled, 'An Act for the Maintenance and Improvement of the Harbour of Ramsgate, in the county of Kent, and for cleansing, amending, and preserving the Haven of Sandwich, in the said county,' the corporation of Sandwich are entitled to the annual sum of £200, for the purpose of preserving Sandwich Haven, and which is by the act of the 6th of his present Majesty directed to be applied, with the same object, on the works of the new haven.

The company of proprietors are directed to invest £5,000 in the three per cents, as a security for the due execution of the works hereby authorized, and this sum, and the dividends arising from it, is to remain until it accumulate to £20,000.