Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/172

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whole sum was raised; and in case the above sum was insufficient, they might raise among themselves, or by the admission of new subscribers, or by mortgage of the rates and duties, the additional sum of £50,000. The work to be managed by a committee, under the control of the general assembly. The act, which is very long, contains many clauses for the protection of private property; particularly such as belong to the Dukes of Norfolk and Leeds, and Lord Byron. Immediately on the passing of the act, the works were commenced, under the direction of Mr. Brindley, and so continued until his death, in September, 1772, when they were conducted and finished by Mr. Henshall, his brother-in-law, in 1776. From the Trent to Retford, the canal is constructed for vessels of fifty to sixty tons burthen; the remaining portion is for such as carry about twenty tons only.


Lime 1d per Ton, per Mile.
Coal, Lead, Timber, Stone, and all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize 1½d ditto ditto.
Soap, Ashes, Salt, Salt-scrow, Foul Salt, and Grey Salt, Soot, Bone-dust, Pigeons' Dung, Rape or Cole Seed Dust, to be used for the manuring of Lands of any Persons, whose Lands shall be Cut through by this Canal, such Lands being in any Township through which it passes, and Rags or Tanners' Bark ½d ditto ditto.


Hay, and Corn in the Straw, not sold, but to be laid up in the Outhouses of the Owner; Small Rubbish or Waste Stones, Gravel and Sand for the repair of Roads, (not being Turnpike) in any Township through which the Canal passes, and which shall not be carried more than Five Miles.

Dung, Soil, Marl, Ashes of Coal and Turf, for the Improvement of Lands lying in any Township through which the Canal will pass, and belonging to Persons whose Lands may be taken for the Canal, provided these excepted Articles do not pass a Lock, except when the Water is running over the Gauge or Niche of the Lock.

If any Iron, Iron-stone, Coals, Lime for the Improvement of Lands, or other Goods whatsoever, remain on the Wharfs longer than Twenty-four Hours, then such additional Rate to be paid as may be agreed upon.

Fifty Feet of Round, or Forty Feet of Square Oak, Ash, or Elm Timber, or Fifty Feet of Fir, or Deal, Balk, Poplar, and other Timber Wood, shall be deemed One Ton.

A Ton of Coal or Limestone to be Twenty-two Hundred Weight of One Hundred and Twelve Pounds each.

Vessels under Twenty Tons not to pass Locks without leave unless they pay for that Weight.


To be received by any Lord of the Manor or Owner of Land who may erect Wharfs.

For every description of Goods or Merchandize for a period less than Six Days 3d per Ton.