Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/250

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Six years are allowed for the execution of this railway and branches, and if not then made, the power granted under this act will cease, except as to such part as may have been completed.

Among the clauses relative to private property, is one which compels the company to execute that part of the railway which is intended to pass over the estate of Sir Robert Keith Dick, Bart. within eighteen months from the commencement of the works on the estate, or suffer a penalty of £20 for every succeeding month which it may remain unfinished. And as a way-leave, an annual payment is to be made, (over and above the value of the land) of a sum not exceeding £990, nor less than £490, which payments are to be regulated by the average daily amount of tonnage passing along the railway through his estate.

If the Average be Nine Hundred Tons daily, the Annual Payment to be £990
If less than Nine Hundred, and not less than Eight Hundred Tons 890
If less than Eight Hundred, and not less than Seven Hundred Tons 790
If less than Seven Hundred, and not less than Six Hundred Tons 690
If less than Six Hundred, and not less than Five Hundred Tons 590
If less than Five Hundred, the Annual Paymeot to be not less than 490

And should the Company ever abandon the Railway through Sir Robert Keith Dick's Estate, they shall be quit of the above Obligation, on Payment of the Sum of £1,830.

For Compensation to Andrew Wauchope, of Niddrie Marischall, Esq. for passing through his Estate, (in addition to the Value of the Land so to be occupied,) the Company agree to pay One Half-penny per Ton for every Article passing over his Estate, except the Produce thereof; with the Privilege of enjoying the use of the Railway which passes over his Estate, free of Toll, for the Produce of his Estate, or for any other Articles intended for his own use, or that of his Tenants.

To John Wauchope, of Edmonstone, Esq. the Sum of £670 is directed to be paid (in addition to the Value of his Land,) for the Privilege of carrying the Railway across his Estate, together with the Rate of One Half-penny per Ton, under the Provisions and with the same Privileges as are enjoyed by Andrew Wauchope, Esq.

On the 4th of June, 1829, the royal assent was given to another act, entitled, An Act to enable the Edinburgh and Dalkeith Railway Company, to raise afurt her Sum of Money to make a Branch from the said Railway to Leith, and for other Purposes relating thereto. The extension here contemplated is from Niddrie North Mains, by Portobello, to Leith Harbour, the length being three miles, six furlongs and four chains, with a fall, to the Forth, of 130 feet.

The main line is also to be extended five furlongs, from Dalhousie Mains to Newton Grange.

Mr. Jardine also made the estimates for the Leith Branch and Extension. For the branch, if a double road, £29,628; but if