Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/308

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and Lady Jane Montgomerie,) were incorporated by the name of "The Company of Proprietors of the Glasgow, Paisley, and Ardrossan Canal," with power to raise among themselves the sum of £140,000, in two thousand eight hundred shares of £50 each; and an additional sum of £30,000 if necessary, either among themselves, or they may borrow the same on assignment of the rates, as a security.


Lime-stone, Iron-stone, Stone for Building, Dung, Earth, Sand and Clay 2d per Ton, per Mile.
Coal, Coke, Culm and Lime 3d ditto. ditto.
Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Ores, Iron and Metals 4d ditto. ditto.
Timber, Bark, Corn and Grain 5d ditto. ditto.
All other Goods, Wares or Merchandize 6d ditto. ditto.

Fractions to be paid as for a Mile, and as for a Quarter of a Ton.


For every Vessel loading or unloading in any Basin belonging to this Company, in addition to the before-mentioned Rates 2d per Ton.

Vessels under Twenty Tons Burthen not to pass Locks without leave, or without paying Tonnage to that Amount.

Owners of lands may erect wharfs; but if they do not within six months after notice has been given them for that purpose, the company may do it, and charge a rate to be agreed on between the company and the owners of any goods which may remain more than twenty-four hours upon such wharfs.

In carrying into execution that part of the original line of canal from near Glasgow to Johnstone, the proprietors expended of the original stock, authorized to be raised by power of the act of 46th George III. the sum of £44,342, besides contracting a debt of £57,860, l0s.; also old subscription loans from various proprietors of canal stock, amounting to £2,398, 3s.; and new subscription loans, amounting to £10,950, 4s. 6d. making a total of £115,550, 17s. 6d.

After the lapse of twenty years from the date of the act above recited, it was found impossible to raise the necessary funds for completing the remaining portion of the line from Johnstone to Ardrossan, without complying with this condition, that the debts incurred in executing the canal from Johnstone to Glasgow, amounting (as above-recited) to £71,208, 17s. 6d. should be