Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/361

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For Goods, Wares, Merchandize and other Things whatsoever, navigated from above the Seventh Lock at Dalderby, downwards or from below to above the same Lock 2s 0d per Ton.
For ditto ditto, or between the Seventh and Fourth Lock near Fulby Mill 1s 9d ditto.
For ditto navigated from or to below the Fourth Lock 1s 3d ditto.

For Lime, Lime-stone, Manure, or Materials for Roads, Half the above Tolls.

The necessary preparations being made, and the plans, projected in the outset of the undertaking, being completed, the company entered upon the work, but after they had proceeded for some time in the execution of the powers invested in them, they found that the funds raised under the authority of this act were insuflicient for the extent and magnitude of their scheme; they therefore again applied to parliament, and obtained a second act, which received the royal assent on the 9th July, 1800, entitled, An Act for enabling the Horncastle Navigation Company to raise a further Sum of Money to complete the said Navigation, and for amending an Act passed in the Thirty-second Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for making and maintaining the said Navigation.

The preamble of this second act states that they have raised, under the first act, the sum of £15,000, and great part of the further sum of £10,000 therein directed to be raised; all which monies have been expended on the works; they are therefore authorized to raise, by subscription amongst themselves, or by the admission of new subscribers, or by mortgage, or on bond, the further sum of £20,000 for the purposes of the said act, and for remunerating the subscribers for the additional contributions, the following are granted as


For all Goods, Wares, Merchandize and Commodities, conveyed from any Part above the Seventh Lock at Dalderby Ford to the River Witham, or any less Distance, and vice versa 1s 3d per Ton.
For Goods as aforesaid, from any part between the Seventh Lock and the Fourth at Fulby Mill to the Witham, or any less Distance, and vice versa 0s 10d ditto.
For the same from any part below the said Fourth Lock to the Witham, and vice versa 0s 5d ditto.

For all Lime or Lime-stone used for Manure, and for all other Kinds of Manure or Materials for repairing Highways, in the various Cases as above, Half of the said additional Rates per Ton shall only be charged.