Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/386

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Railway, five hundred yards to the west of Broseley Lane, in the said township of Kenyon, together with a branch from a certain field in the said township of Kenyon, belonging to the Earl of Wilton, and extending from thence in a curved line eastwardly, terminating at or near the said Liverpool and Manchester Railway, four hundred yards to the eastward of the said Broseley Lane; and also, to make inclined planes, if necessary, on any part of the line. The distance between the inside edges of the rails of this railway to be not less than 4 feet 8 inches, and that between the outside edges not more than 5 feet 1 inch; and at the crossings of turnpike-roads or highways, the guiding flanch or ledge shall not rise above or sink below the level of such road more than 1 inch. Bridges for carrying the same over highways, shall leave a clear width of 15 feet under the arch, and a height of 16 feet above the surface of the road; but the bridge over the Leeds and Liverpool Canal shall not be less than 25 feet in span; width of towing-path 6 feet, and breast wall of the same 12 feet in height above the level of the top water in the canal. The proprietors are empowered to raise £25,000, in shares of £100 each, for the purposes of this act; £22,946, being the estimate of the work, is to be raised before the act is put in force. But should the sum of £25,000 prove insufficient, the proprietors may raise £6,000 more in the usual way. The following are directed to be collected as


For every Person passing on the Road in any Coach, Cart, Waggon, or other Carriage 0s 6d each.
For every Horse, Mule, Ass or other Beast of Draught or Burthen, and for every Ox, Cow, Bull or Neat Cattle, ditto, ditto 0s 6d ditto.
For every Calf, Sheep, Lamb, or Pig ditto, ditto 0s 1d ditto.
For all Lime-stone and Lime, Coal, Coke, Culm, Charcoal, Cinders, Stone, Sand, Clay, Building, Pitching and Paving-stones, Flags, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Dung, Compost, and all Sorts of Manure and Materials for repairs of Roads 0s 6d per Ton.
For all Sugar, Corn, Grain, Flour, Dye Wood,Timber, Staves, Deals, Lead, Iron and other Metals, Cotton and other Wool, Hides, Drugs, Manufactured Goods, and all other Wares, Merchandize, Matters or Things 1s 0d ditto.

Fractions of a Ton to be taken as the Quarters therein, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.

The Company to fix the Rates for Parcels not exceeding Five Hundred Weight.

This Railway is not to be used as a Foot Path, under Penalty of Forty Shillings, to be paid by the Offender, but Owners or Occupiers of Lands adjoining may pass thereon without paying Toll. No carriage to carry more than Four Tons, including its own Weight, except any one Piece of Timber, Block of Stone, Boiler, Cylinder, Bob or Single Piece of Machinery, which may, with the Carriage, weigh Eight Tons, and pay Four-pence per Ton per Mile.