Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/392

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58 George III. Cap. 63, Royal Assent 23rd May, 1818.

THIS railway was projected for the purpose of opening a communication between the Hay Railway near Eardisley in Herefordshire, to Kington in the said county, and from thence to the Burlinjob Lime Works, in the county of Radnor, and thereby facilitating and cheapening the conveyance of coal, iron and other commodities from the county of Brecon, to the said town and lime works; and, in return, to facilitate the export from thence of lime, corn and other products, all which objects were not feasible by the turnpike and other roads, in consequence of their ruinous state.

The necessary powers were obtained in an act, entitled, 'An Act for making a Railway from the Hay Railway, near Eardisley, in the county of Hereford, to the Lime Works near Burlinjob, in the county of Radnor;' by which the subscribers were incorporated under the name of "The Kington Railway Company," and empowered to make the said railway from the Hay Railway near Eardisley, through the townships of Almeley, Lyonshall, Kington and Old Radnor, in the counties of Hereford and Radnor. For accomplishing this work, the proprietors are empowered to raise £18,000, in shares of £100 each; and in case that sum should not be sufficient, they may raise £5,000 more. Any part of the said £18,000 which was not subscribed before the passing of the act, or of the additional £5,000, may be raised on promissory notes under the common seal, or by mortgage. For paying interest and maintaining the railway, they are authorized to demand the following


For all Lime, Stone, Materials for the repairing of Turnpike Roads or Highways, all Dung, Compost and Manure, except Lime 3d per Ton, per Mile.
For all Coal, Coke, Culm, Stone, Cinders, Marl, Sand, Lime, Clay, Pier, Iron-stone and other Minerals, Building-stone, Pitching and Paving-stone, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Timber, Lead in Pigs or Sheets, Bar-iron, Waggon-tire, and all Gross and Unmanufactured Articles and Building Materials 5d ditto. ditto.
For all other Goods, Commodities, Wares, and Merchandize whatsoever 6d ditto. ditto.

Fractions of a Ton and a Mile as the Quarters in each respectively, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.