Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/41

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each. The proprietors are further empowered to raise a further sum of £15,000, on mortgage of the canal and tolls, or they may borrow the above sum, or any part of it, on promissory notes, under the common seal; or they may borrow exchequer bills of the commissioners for carrying into execution an act of George III, for authorizing the issue of exchequer bills for carrying on of public works, &c.

The management of this concern is in the hands of twelve of the company, who are chosen annually, five of whom are em powered to act.


Payable for, or in respect of, Boats, Craft, Barges, Ships, and Vessels, passing into, or out of, or in, or along, the Harbour, Canal, or Basin.

s. d.
For every Boat, Craft, Barge, Ship, or Vessel, to load or unload.
0 2 per Ton, as registered.
For every Foreign Boat entering the Harbour, or Basin, for shelter, waiting for Wind, or Repairs.
1 0 ditto. ditto.
For every Boat, Craft, Barge, Ship, or Vessel, belonging to the United Kingdom, entering the Harbour, for shelter, waiting for Wind, or Repairs.
0 4 ditto. ditto.
For every Fishing Boat, ditto, ditto, 0 3 ditto, ditto.
For every Boat, Craft, Barge, Ship, or Vessel, remaining in the Harbour, or Basin, more than Twelve Days, unless for Repairs.
0 4 per Ton, per Diem.


Payable for, or in respect of, any Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and Passengers, imported or exported by Boats, Craft, Barges, Ships, or Vessels, passing into, or out of, or in, or along, the Harbour, Canal, or Basin.

s. d.
For Coal, Coke, or Cinders.
4 0 per Chaldron, of 32 bushels, imp. meas.
Common or Undressed Bricks. 4 0 per Thousand.
Stone, Slate, Lime, Unwrought or Cast Iron, Manure, Bones, Dressed Bricks, Pan, Ridge and Draining Tiles, Tallow, Oil Cakes, Potatoes, Sand and Gravel.
4 0 per Ton.
Oak, Elm, Pine, Beech, Fir Timber, Deals, Battens, and Lath Wood..
4 0 per Load.
Sugar, Salt, Soap, Candles, Clover Seed, Trefoil Seed, Raw Hides, Spirituous Liquors, Wines, Ale, Porter,Glass and Earthenware
4 6 per Ton.
Wheat, Beans and Peas. 1 0 per Quarter.
Barley, Rape or Lineseed. 0 10 ditto.
Malt or Oats. 0 8 ditto.
Hay, Clover, Straw, Hops, Wool, Feathers, Hair, Tanned Hides, Rags, Oak Bark and Household Goods.
8 0 per Ton.
For all other Goods, Wares or Merchandize. 6 0 ditto.
For every Passenger. 1 0