Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/417

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Fifty Feet of Round, or Forty Feet of Square Oak, Ash or Elm Timber, or Fifty Feet of Fir or Deal, Balk, Poplar and other Timber Wood, to be deemed One Ton Weight; and the Ton of Coals and Lime-stone to be Twenty-two Hundreds of One Hundred and Twelve Pounds each.

Lords of manors or land-owners have a power to erect wharfs, warehouses, &c. upon their lands; and if such lords of manors or owners of land shall not do so within twelve months after notice given them by the company, then the company may erect the same.


For Coals, Stone or Brick, not longer than Six Days 1½d per Ton.
For Goods or Merchandize, ditto 3d ditto.

No Charge whatever if the Articles do not lie longer than Six Hours.

Fractions of a Mile to be reckoned as a Mile. Fractions of a Ton as the Quarters of a Ton, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.

Every Vessel passing the Leeds Lock, to pay the Tonnage of Eight Miles.

When the Canal shall communicate with the Douglas Navigation at or near the Warehouses in Wigan, the Coals, Stones, Timber, Goods, Wares and Merchandize passing upon any Part of it, shall be charged no more than if the same had been carried the like Distance on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.

The Leeds and Liverpool Canal Company having finished their main line of navigation in the year 1816, they now turned their attention to forming a communication with the town of Manchester, a subject which had engaged their consideration prior to the death of the late Duke of Bridgewater; and for this purpose they again applied to parliament and obtained an act, entitled, 'An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Canal Navigation from Leeds to Liverpool, to make a navigable Cut, and also a collateral Branch or Railway, from their said Canal at Hennis Bridge near Wigan, to join the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal at Leigh, all in the county palatine of Lancaster, and to amend the several Acts relating to the said Leeds and Liverpool Canal, so far as relates to certain Powers, therein given to the late Duke of Bridgewater.' This branch proceeds from the main line of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, at a point half a mile from the basin at Wigan, southward to Brin Moss, then easterly, passing between Platt Bridge and Bamferlong Hall, intersecting Hindley Brook, and passing Strangwood, West Leigh House, and terminates in that part of the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal which extends from