Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/50

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direct communication is made with London, and when the Portsmouth and Arundel Canal is completed, a large additional revenue will doubtless be added to this concern, by the receipt of tolls upon marine stores, which, in time of war, may be safely transmitted from the Metropolis, by this conveyance, to the depot at Portsmouth.


6 George II. Cap. 12, Royal Assent ——— 1732.
33 George III. Cap. 100, Royal Assent 30th April, 1793.

The navigation, to which the above acts apply, extends from Arundel Port, at the mouth of the Arun, to the town of Arundel, a distance only of five miles and three quarters: but the object of the first act, entitled, 'An Act for erecting Piers in, and for repairing and keeping in repair, the Harbour of Littlehampton, called Arundel Port, in the county of Sussex,' was not so much the improvement of the navigation as for the harbour, and for the protection of shipping therein.

By this act, commissioners were appointed to cut a new channel, through the sea-beach, at Littlehampton, and other works therein specified, which are here passed over as not coming within the object of the present publication. Tolls were granted for the purpose of repaying the monies which were borrowed for carrying into execution the works designed.

When this was effected, and all arrears of interest paid off, one-half of the said duties were to be taken off, and the other half to be retained, for the purpose of preserving the harbour, and navigation of the river, to the town of Arundel.

In the preamble of the second act, entitled, 'An Act to explain and amend an Act made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, entitled, An Act for erecting Piers in, and for repairing and keeping in repair, the Harbour of Littlehampton, called Arundel Port, in the county of Sussex; and for empowering the Commissioners, acting under the said Act, to improve the Navigation of the River Arun,from the said Harbour, to the town of Arundel, in the said county,' it is stated that the commissioners have repaid the sums of money, and interest,