Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/512

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For all Beech, Gravel and all other Materials for repairing Roads, Chalk, Lime, Dung, Mould, Soil, Compost or any other Manure 4d per Ton.
For all other Goods, Wares, and Merchandize 8d ditto.

And so in Proportion for a greater or less Quantity than a Ton.

When the tonnage rates exceed the amount of the drainage rates by £20, the trustees may lower them, and if lower may raise them, so as to keep the amount levied from each as nearly equal as possible, provided that the tonnage rates in no instance exceed the sums above stated.

The act passed in 1806 is entitled, 'An Act for altering, amending, and rendering more effectual an Act passed in the Thirtieth Year of his present Majesty, for improving the Navigation of the River Ouse, in the county of Sussex;' and repeals that part of the former act which authorizes the company to continue the navigation of the river from Hammer Bridge, in the parish of Cuckfield, to the extent of the said parish. It empowers the company to raise a further sum of £30,000, and to mortgage the tolls and rates as a security for it, or by annuity; and it allows the proprietors of lands on the western side of Isfield Lock, and the occupiers or owners of Barcombe Mill, near Primmer Wood Lock, to take and use the surplus or waste waters at those locks.

The last act relating to this navigation was passed in 1814, and is entitled, 'An Act for altering and enlarging the Powers of Two Acts of his present Majesty, for improving the Navigation of the River Ouse, in the county of Sussex;' and after stating that the tolls and rates authorized to be taken by former acts were insufficient for supporting the navigation, it repeals such tolls and rates, and authorizes the company to take the following


For all Chalk, Dung, Mould, Soil, Compost, Lime-stone, Ashes or other Manure (Lime excepted) carried between Lewes Bridge and Sharps Lock 2d per Ton, per Mile.
From Sharps Lock to Goldbridge 1½d ditto. ditto.
From Goldbridge to the extremity of the Navigation 1d ditto. ditto.
For all Beech, Gravel, Flints, Stone and other Materials for repairing Roads 1d ditto. ditto.
For Hay, Straw, Timber, Planks, Coal, CuIm or Fuller's-earth 1½d ditto. ditto.
For Lime 2d ditto. ditto.
For Corn or Grain ground or unground, Flour, Wheat or Seeds 3d ditto. ditto.
For every Hundred of Faggots and Hop Poles, and for every Cord of Fire or other Wood 2d per Mile.
For all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize ½d ditto, per Cwt.

And so in Proportion for greater or less Distances, or greater or less Quantities.