Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/552

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Naval Stores to be exempted from One-sixth of the Rates.

The Company are authorized to demand for all Vessels using Portsbridge Creek, the Tonnage Rates in the Second Column above.

King's Stores are free from the Rates of Portsbridge Creek, and Revenue Boats may enter the Canals Toll Free.

By this act also the agreement between this company and the Wey and Arun is confirmed, whereby the Wey and Arun Company consent to receive for all descriptions of goods conveyed from the port of Portsmouth through their canal into the River Thames, 4s. 6d. per ton, and in proportion for a greater or less quantity than a ton, in times of peace; but in war the rates secured to them by act of parliament, shall be demanded; the Portsmouth and Arundel Company also covenant for themselves that they will only charge 3d. per ton per mile, for all goods conveyed from the port of Portsmouth into and throughout the said Wey and Arun Junction Canal and vice versa, but will not extend the said benefit to any goods conveyed out of the Arun Navigation or the port of Arundel, into the said canals, or vice versa.

By this act also the Wey and Arun Junction have power to raise £10,000 for comnpleting tile necessary alterations, subject to the same regulations as the sum of £99,500 granted by their own private act. This money may, if expedient, be raised on mortgage of the works.

In 1821 another act was obtained as 'An Act for giving further Powers to the Company of Proprietors of the River Arun Navigation, and for confirming certain Agreements entered into between the said Company and the Company of Proprietors of the Portsmouth and Arundel Navigation.' This act recites and confirms two agreements made between the Portsmouth and Arundel Navigation and the Arun Company, whereby certain tolls are respectively to be received and paid by the said companies for goods passing on each respectively, but which it would not be interesting to our readers to quote particularly; it also empowers the Arun Company to complete their works and to receive on them, when finished, 1s. 6d. per ton for all goods, passing on and throughout the Arun Navigation and the Wey and Arun Navigation into the Wey, and vice versa; and 1s. per ton for all goods conveyed as