Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/554

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This canal, although its length is so short, forms one of the links connecting the two seas, by its communication with the Calder at Cooper's Bridge, and with the Huddersfield Canal at Huddersfield; and has been the chief means of raising Huddersfield to one of the principal markets for woollen goods in the county of York.

The act of parliament empowers the proprietor to take 1s. 6d. per ton on all goods; and he having erected commodious warehouses at Huddersfield, which town is built upon his own estate, the trade there is accommodated upon moderate terms.


5 George IV. Cap. 121, Royal Assent 17th June, 1824.

THE act for executing this work was obtained in 1824, under title of 'An Act for making and maintaining a Railway or Tramroad from the town of Redruth, in the county of Cornwall, to Point Quay, in the parish of Feock, in the same county, with several Branches therefrom; and also for restoring, improving and maintaining the Navigation of Restrongett Creek, in the same county,' whereby certain persons, incorporated as" The Redruth and Chasewater Railway Company," have powers to complete the same, for which purpose they may raise £22,500, in shares of £100 each; and should such sum prove insufficient, they may obtain, in addition to the above, £10,000, either by the creation of new shares, or by subscription amongst themselves. For paying the interest of monies advanced and other contingent expenses, they are authorized to collect the following


For all Sand, Lime-stone and Lime used as Manure, all Dung, Compost and Manure, and all Materials for Roads 2d per Ton, per Mile.
For all Copper, Tin, Lead and other Ores, and all Matters containing Ore, Copper, Tin, Lead, Iron, and other Metals; Timber, Coals, Coke, Culm, Cinders, Stone, Bricks, Earth, Clay, Chalk, Marl, Lime and Sand not used as Manure 3d ditto. ditto.
For Corn, Grain, Flour, and all other Goods and Commodities 4d ditto. ditto.

Fractions of a Mile and of a Ton to pay as the Quarters therein, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.

Parcels not exceeding Five Hundred Pounds in Weight, to be paid for according to a Rate decided upon by the Proprietors, who may reduce the Rates from Time to Time and raise them again, as Circumstances shall require.