Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/584

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10 George IV. Cap. 108, Royal Assent 1st June, 1829.

THIS is an act for making a railway from Thomas Chapel, in the parish of Begelly, to Saundersfoot, with two branches therefrom; and a harbour at Saundersfoot, in the county of Pembroke. Messrs. William Bevan and Son, engineers, made an estimate of this work as follows:-

£. s. d.
For the Main Line... 4¾ miles .... 6,491 10 0
Ridgeway Branch ... ¾ mile .... 818 11 10
Wiseman's Bridge Branch ... 1 mile .... 2,131 _9 _8
9,441 11 6
Besides the above, the price of the Land 525 0 0
Railway Road over the Piers 240 0 0
Erecting the Breakwater at Saundersfoot. _7,007 18 10
Making together . . £17,214 10 4

Sir Richard Bulkeley Phillips Phillips, Baronet, of Picton Castle, is the only subscriber.

This work was not completed at the time this article was written.


19 Hen. VII. C. 18, R. A. - - - - - 1503.

23 Hen. VIII. C. 12, R. A. - - - - - 1531-2.

12 Geo. III. C. 109, R. A. 3rd June, 1772.

39 Geo. III. C. 8, R. A. 21st March, 1799.

43 Geo. III. C. 129, R. A. 27th July, 1803.

49 Geo. III. C. 121, R. A. 27th May, 1809.

51 Geo. III. C. 148, R. A. 10th June, 1811.

THE importance which has always attached to this noble river, which without artificial means is navigable to a greater extent than any other in the kingdom, to the incalculable benefit of the country through which it runs, may be estimated by the fact of the first legislative enactment respecting it being at the early period of the reign of Henry VII. entitled, 'An Act concerning the River Severn;' which was followed by another act of his son and successor Henry VIII. entitled, 'An Act for taking Exactions upon