Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/626

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along the side of the turnpike-road leading from Stratford to Oxford, by Halford Bridge, Clifford Chambers, Atherstone, Alderminster, Lower Ealington Park, Whitchurch, Armscott, Tredington, Darlingscote, Stretton-on-the-Fosse and Lemington, to Moreton-in-Marsh, in Gloucestershire, with a collateral branch from Stretton-on-the-Fosse, by Ditchford to Shipston-upon-Stour, in Worcestershire.

The act of parliament under sanction of which this undertaking was carried into execution, was passed in 1821, and is entitled, 'An Act for making and maintaining a Railway or Tramroad from Stratford-upon-Avon, in the county of Warwick, to Moreton-in-Marsh, in the county of Gloucester, with a Branch to Shipston-upon-Stour, in the county of Worcester.' By this act a company of persons, amongst whom were Lord Dudley and Ward and Lord Redesdale, were incorporated by the name of "The Stratford and Moreton Railway Company," with powers to raise amongst themselves, for the purposes of the act, the sum of £33,500, in shares of £50 each, and, if necessary, a further sum of £7,000, either amongst themselves, by creation of new shares or by mortgage of the tolls and rates, and to collect the following


For all Coal, Coke, Culm, Stone, Cinders, Chalk, Marl, Sand, Lime, Clay, Ashes, Peat, Lime-stone, Iron-stone, Building-stone, Pitching and Paving-stone, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Timber, Lead in Pigs or Sheets, Bar-iron, Waggon-tire, and all Gross and Unmanufactured Articles and Building Materials 3d per Ton, per Mile.
For all other Goods, Wares, Merchandize or Things whatsoever 6d ditto. ditto.

Fractions of a Quarter of a Ton and of a Mile to be considered as Quarters.

Owners of land adjoining the railway may lay collateral branches on their lands to communicate with this railway; and may also erect wharfs or warehouses on their land, and on their refusing to do so when thereto required by the company of proprietors, the act authorizes the company to make such erections, and empowers them and such lords of manors or owners of land who shall have erected wharfs, &c. to collect the following wharfage and warehousing rates.