Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/652

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39 & 40 Geo. III. C. 23, R. A. 16th May, 1800.

44 Geo. III. C. 46, R. A. 5th June, 1804.

50 Geo. III. C. 76, R. A. 18th May, 1810.

58 Geo. III. C. 18, R. A. 17th Mar. 1818.

5 Geo. IV. C. 119, R. A. 17th June, 1824.

THE first step towards the execution of this work took place in 1799, when Mr. R. Dodd was consulted as to the possibility of obviating the necessity of the then circuitous passage round the Nore, from Gravesend to the Medway, at Strood. He accordingly proposed a line nine miles and two chains in length, viz, an open canal six miles, seven furlongs and two chains, and a tunnel two miles and one furlong, whereby a circuit of no less than forty-seven miles was to be avoided. The plan was approved of, although the estimate was far too low, and an act obtained in 1800, under the title of 'An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from the River Thames, near to the town of Gravesend in the county of Kent, to the River Medway, at a Place called Nicholson's Ship Yard, in the parish of Frindsbury, in the said county; and also a certain collateral Cut from Whitewall, in the said parish, to the said River Medway.' By this act the proprietors were incorporated as "The Company of the Thames and Medway Canal," with the usual powers for completing the works; for defraying the cost of which they were empowered to raise £40,000, in shares of £100 each; and in case the said sum should prove insufficient, they may raise, in addition, £20,000 on mortgage of the works or by creation of new shares. It is also provided, that tide locks and entrance basins shall be made at each point of termination in this canal

Under authority of the above act the work commenced, and proceeded till that part extending from Gravesend to Denton was completed, when it was deemed advisable to make a deviation and other alterations from the original line, which required a new act. This was obtained in 1804, and is entitled, 'An Act for enabling time Company of Proprietors of the Thames and Medway Canal to vary the Line of the said Canal, and to raise a Sum of Money for completing the said Canal and the Works thereunto belonging; and for altering and enlarging the Powers of an Act made in the