Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/672

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From Boroughbridge to Ripon are four locks, called Milby Lock, Rhodes's Field Lock, Oxclose Lock and Bell Furrows' Lock. Mr. John Smith was the engineer employed on this work.

The length of this navigation is about eight miles and a half, and its principal object the supply of Boroughbridge, Ripon, and their neighbourhood, with coal and other necessary articles of consumption; as well as the export of their agricultural products and large quantities of lead, which are carried to Hull by means of its connection with the River Ouse.

As that part of the River Ure below the junction with the Swale has been described in the account of the Ouse River, we refer our readers to that article.


54 George III. Cap. 101, Royal Assent 17th June, 1814.

THE act of parliament relating to this tramroad is entitled,' An Act for making and maintaining a Tramroad or Railway from the parish of Mamhilad, in the county of Monmouth, to or near Usk Bridge, in the said county.' It incorporates the company of proprietors by the name of "The Usk Tramroad Company," and empowers them to raise amongst themselves, for the purposes of the act, the sum of £6,000, in shares of £50 each, and, if necessary, a further sum of £3,000 either amongst themselves or by the creation of new shares, and to take the following


For all Coal 3d per Ton, per Mile.
For all Dung, Compost, Lime-stone and all Sorts of Manure and Materials for repairing Roads 2d ditto. ditto.
For all Lime, Chalk, Marl, Ashes, Peat, Clay. Bricks and Sand 3d ditto. ditto.
For all Cinders, Coke, Culm and Charcoal, Tin, Copper, Lead-ore, Lead in Pigs or Sheets, Iron-stone or Ore, Iron in Pigs, Bar-iron, Tiles, Slates, Flag-stone and other Stone 4d ditto. ditto.
For all Timber and other Goods, Wares and Merchandize 6d ditto. ditto.

Fractions of a Quarter of a Ton or of a Mile to be taken as a Quarter.

The company are also authorized to receive the following tolls.