Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/674

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peace for the county. The company may also purchase land for wharfs and warehouses on the line, to the extent of ten acres. For putting this act into execution, they are empowered to raise £53,000, in shares of £100 each; and in case this sum should not prove sufficient for the completion of the work, they may borrow £20,000 additional on mortgage, paying interest half yearly. By this act the following are to be demanded as


For all Lime, Dung, Earth, Compost and all Sorts of Manure and Materials fur Roads, drawn or propelled and carried by and at the Expense of the said company 2d per Ton, per Mile.
For ditto onty drawn or propelled by the Company 1Ÿd ditto. ditto.
For ditto drawn or propelled and carried by other Persons 1½d ditto. ditto.
For all Coal, Coke, Culm, Charcoal, Cinders, Stone, Marl, Sand, clay, Building, Pitching and Paving-stones, Flags, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Lime, Earth, Staves, Deals, Lead and Iron in Pigs, or other Metals, drawn or propelled and carried by the company 3d ditto. ditto.
For ditto only drawn or propelled by ditto 2½d ditto. ditto.
For ditto drawn or propetled and carried by others 2d ditto. ditto.
For all Timber, Cotton, Wool, Hides, Drugs, Dye-woods, Sugar, Corn, Grain, Flour, Manufactured Goods, Lead in Sheets, Iron in Bars, and all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize, drawn or propelled and carried by the Company 4d ditto. ditto.
For ditto drawn or propelled by ditto 3½d ditto. ditto.
For ditto drawn or propelled and carried by others 3d ditto. ditto.
For all other Goods, Wares, and Carriages for conveying Passengers or Cattle which shall pass any Inclined Plane, the Owners shall pay in addition to the above Rates, for every Inclined Plane thus passed over 6d ditto.
For all Persons conveyed in Carriages drawn or propelled, and provided by the Company 3d each. ditto.
For ditto not provided by ditto 2½d ditto. ditto.
For every Horse, Mule, Ass or other Beast of Draught or Burthen, carried in Carriages drawn or propelled and provided by the Company 3d ditto. ditto.
For ditto not provided by ditto 2d ditto. ditto.
For every Calf, Sheep, Lamb or Pig, carried in Carriages provided and drawn or propelled by the Company 1d ditto. ditto.
For ditto not provided by ditto ½d ditto. ditto.

Fractions of a Ton and a Mile to be paid for as the Quarters therein, and of a Quarter as a Quarter.

Carriages and Cattle employed in conveying Materials for Roads and Highways in the Township of Winwirk-with-Hulme, or Hay, Straw, Corn in the Straw, Potatoes or other Produce of Land passing to the Barns or Lands of the Owners in the said Township, and other Things used in the said Township, or by the Rector thereof or his Tenants, are exempted from Tolls, provided they are not conveyed in the carriages or by the cattle of the Company.

The company may lower the said rates and raise the same again to the amount above quoted; they may also lease to the owners of mines on the line, the tolls of coals, &c. from their own mines, and they may generally let to farm, the tolls.