Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/85

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8 Geo. III. C. 38, R. A. 24th Feb. 1768.
9 Geo. III. C. 53, R. A. 21st April 1769
23 Geo. III. C. 92, R. A. 24th June 1783.
24 Geo. III. C. 4, R. A. - - - - - 1784.
25 Geo. III. C. 99, R. A. 13th June 1785.
34 Geo. III. C. 87, R. A. 17th April, 1794.
46 Geo. III. C. 92, R. A. 3rd July, 1806.
51 Geo. III. C. 105, R. A. 21st May, 1811.
55 Geo. III. C. 40, R. A. 12th May, 1815.
58 Geo. III. C. 19, It. A. 17th Mar. 1818.

As some parts of these important navigations have been executed by companies, incorporated under other titles than what is now given to the whole of the canals and branches, constituting the Birmingham Canal Navigations, we shall, in the first place, recite the substance of the principal clauses in the respective acts of parliament, and in the order in which they were severally obtained.

The first act, entitled, 'An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Cut, or Canal, from Birmingham to Bilstone, and from thence to Autherley, there to communicate with the Canal now making between the Rivers Severn and Trent, and for making collateral Cuts up to several Coal Mines,' authorizes the original subscribers to make a canal from the town of Birmingham to Bilstone, and from thence by Wolverhampton, to join the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal (then in progress) at Autherley, with two collateral cuts to the coal pits, iron furnaces, and limestone quarries, in its vicinity.

The company, at the time the act was obtained, consisted of one hundred and two persons, amongst whom were the Earl of Hertford, Earl of Dartmouth, and Sir Lister Holt, Bart. who were incorporated by the name of "The Company of Proprietors of the Birmingham Canal Navigation."

This company, were empowered, under the before-mentioned act, to raise the sum of £55,000, in five hundred and fifty shares of £100 each, and a further sum of £15,000, if the proper execution of the works should require it. The duties granted under this act are as follows :-


Coal, Iron, Iron-stone, Stones, Timber, and other Goods, Wares and Merchandize per Ton, per Mile.
Lime and Limestone ½ ditto, ditto.
And so in proportion for any less Quantity than a Ton.