Page:Roads of Destiny (1909).djvu/232

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Roads of Destiny

Calaboosum; and you want Billy Casparis for excess of patriotism and assault with intent. All right. Might as well be in jail, anyhow.’

“But it seems that General Mary is smiling, and the bay man shakes my hand, and speaks in the American dialect.

“‘General Dingo has informed me, Senor Casparis, of your gallant service in our cause. I desire to thank you with my person. The bravery of you and the other señores Americanos turned the struggle for liberty in our favour. Our party triumphed. The terrible battle will live forever in history.’

“‘Battle?’ says I; ‘what battle?’ and I ran my mind back along history, trying to think.

“‘Señor Casparis is modest,’ says General Dingo. ‘He led his brave compadres into the thickest of the fearful conflict. Yes. Without their aid the revolution would have failed.’

“‘Why, now,’ says I, ‘don’t tell me there was a revolution yesterday. ‘That was only a Fourth of———’

“But right there I abbreviated. It seemed to me it might be best.

“‘After the terrible struggle,’ says the bay man, “President Bolano was forced to fly. To-day Caballo is President by proclamation. Ah, yes. Beneath the new administration I am the head of the Department of Mercantile Concessions. On my file I find one report, Señor Casparis, that you have not made ice in accord with your contract.’ And here the bay man smiles at me, ’cute.