Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/173

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taken, every member has already had an opportunity to nominate a person for each office.

Mr. L. I move that the nominating ballot be declared the formal or electing ballot.

Pres. The motion is out of order as we are proceeding under an order adopted during this meeting requiring both a nominating and an electing ballot.

Mr. L. I move to reconsider the vote adopting that order.

Pres. The vote cannot be reconsidered as it has been partially carried out, the nominating ballot having been taken.

Mr. L. I move to rescind the vote ordering the election to be by ballot.

Pres. The objection to reconsidering applies equally to rescinding the vote. The motion which the gentleman evidently intended to make is to rescind the unexecuted part of the order, which can be done by a majority vote of the membership, or by a two-thirds vote of those voting, and then the motion to declare the nominating ballot to be the electing ballot will be in order. The question is on the motion to rescind the unexecuted part of the order prescribing the method of nominating and electing the delegates to the State Convention.[1] As many as are in favor

  1. When a motion is made in an improper form the chair should state it correctly. Thus, if it is moved to lay a resolution on the table until 2 P. M., the chair should say, "It is moved and seconded [or the question is on the motion] to postpone the resolution to 2 P. M." [See R. O. R., p. 243.]