Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/202

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Don't say "The ayes [or the noes] have it," when the vote is taken by a show of hands or by rising. Say "The affirmative has it and the motion is adopted, [or The negative has it and the motion is lost].

Don't say "Those opposed have it," but say "The noes have it [or the negative has it]."

Don't say "The gentleman is out of order," unless he is disorderly. If his motion is out of order say, "The motion is out of order," or, if it will be in order later, tell him when it will be in order.

Don't stand during debate or while a report is being made.

Don't, when a motion is made by two or more persons, ask if the motion is seconded.

Don't say "It is regularly moved and seconded." Omit "regularly."

Don't strike with the gavel any harder than necessary to attract the attention of the members.

Don'ts for Members.

Don't say "I move you." Omit the "you." You do not move or propose the chairman.

Don't say "I make a motion to ————." Say "I move to ————."

Don't say "The mover of the motion," but "The maker of the motion."

Don't say "The maker of the amendment," or "The amendment made by Mr. A," but say "The mover of the amendment," or "The member who proposed [or