Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/208

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Abstract of First Drill.

1. A. Call meeting to order and nominate a chairman. +[1]

2. B. Nominate a secretary. O

3. C. Nominate a secretary. +

4. D. Nominate a secretary.

5. D. Rise to a parliamentary inquiry: "Why was not a vote taken on my nominee?"

6. E. Offer the following resolution: "Resolved, That Parliamentary Law should be taught in our public schools." +

7. F. Move "that our next meeting be open to the public." O

8. G. Offer this resolution: "Resolved, That no subsidiary motion except to postpone indefinitely be allowed in these meetings." +

9. H. Offer the following resolutions:
"Whereas, Many married women are obliged to work away from home thus leaving very young children without proper guardianship; and
"Whereas, The rearing of children under improper influences is detrimental to the state; therefore, be it

"Resolved, That Day Nurseries should be established and maintained in every

  1. This sign, +, shows that the motion is carried. O shows that the motion is lost.