Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/221

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Debate : 13

close, limit, or extend limits of debate 72-75

Delegates, election of, illustrated in drill 146-153

Discharge a committee 79, 130

Division of a question 96

Division of the assembly 99, 106

Don'ts for members 181

Don'ts for presiding officers 179

Drill, abstract of a 186

First: Organization, Main Motions, Postpone Indefi- nitely 16

Second : Amendments 36

Third : Commit or Refer 53

Fourth : Reports of Committees 64

Fifth : Illustrating Lessons XI-XI V 104

Sixth: Minutes, Appeal, Notice of proposed amend- ment to By-laws, etc 128

Seventh: Amendment of By-lav^s; Nomination and

Election of Delegates and Alternates 144

Election of chairman in mass meeting 3, 16, 36

of secretary 4, 17, 36

of delegates and alternates, illustrated 146-158

Excused from a duty 102

Exhaustion of previous question 75

order limiting debate 73, 74, iii

Extend the limits of debate 73

Fix the time to which to adjourn 90, 112

Floor, obtaining the 5, 17, 21

General Consent 58, 95, 135, 148

General Orders 86

Germane 24, 28, 131, 154

Immediately pending motion or question 13

Improper main motions 11

amendments 28

Incidental motions 6, 92-102

list of common, in Chart II 167

Indefinite postponement 14

Informal consideration 51

information, request for loi

Inquiry, parliamentary 18, 100, 105, 147

Insert words or paragraph, motion to 24, 37