Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/62

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Mr. I. I move to adopt the following resolution, "Resolved, That calisthenics ought to be cultivated more in our primary schools." [Seconded and stated.]

Mr. J. I move to amend the resolution by striking out "calisthenics" and inserting "athletics." [Seconded, stated, put, and adopted.]

Chairman. The ayes have it, and the amendment is adopted. The question is now on the resolution, "Resolved, That athletics ought to be cultivated more in our primary schools." Are you ready for the question?

Mr. K. I move to substitute for the pending resolution the following: "Resolved, That physical training should receive more attention in our schools." [Seconded.]

Chairman. It is moved and seconded to substitute for the pending resolution the following: "Resolved," etc. Are you ready for the question? [No one claiming the floor he continues:] As many as are in favor of substituting the resolution just read for the pending resolution say Aye. Those opposed say No. The ayes have it and the resolution just read is substituted for the pending one. The question is now on the resolution as amended, which is, "Resolved, That physical training should receive more attention in our schools." Are you ready for the question? [No one rising, he continues:] As many as are in favor of the resolution say Aye. Those opposed say No. The ayes have it and the resolution is adopted.

Mr. L. I move the adoption of the following reso-