Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/77

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pending question, the secondary amendment, which is adopted, and the business proceeds thus:]

Chairman. The ayes have it and the amendment is adopted. The question recurs on the primary amendment as amended, which is, to insert the words by the chair" after the word "appointed. Are you ready for the question? [There being no response the question is put and the amendment is adopted, after which the chairman continues:] The question is now on the original motion as amended, which is, "that a committee be appointed by the chair to investigate the ventilating system of the High School."

Mr. E. I move to amend by inserting the words "and report on" after the word "investigate." [Seconded.]

Chairman [states and puts the question. The amendment is adopted, after which he puts the question on the original motion as amended and it is adopted, and he announces the result thus:] The ayes have it and the motion is adopted. The chair appoints Mr. U, Mr. V, and Mr. W as the committee to which the motion is referred.

Mr. F. I move to suspend the standing rule limiting the motions allowed in these meetings. [Seconded.]

Mr. G. Mr. Chairman.

Chairman. For what does the gentleman rise?

Mr. G. I wish to ask the gentleman to withdraw his motion, as its adoption would permit so many