Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/98

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Practice Work.

(1) Name in order of rank two motions to defer action.

(2) How do they differ as to being qualified, debated, amended ?

(3) How is the motion made to consider a postponed question before the time named in the postponement? What vote is required? What vote can take a question from the table?

(4) What two motions outrank Postpone to a Certain Time, but are outranked by Lay on the Table?

(5) Why is it best to allow debate to be limited? By what vote is it limited? Why is it best at some times to allow the debate limits to be extended?

(6) When no limit is made by the assembly, what is commonly accepted as the rule governing the time one may debate ?

(7) State the forms illustrated for limiting debate and explain the different conditions to which they may be applicable?

(8) What does Previous Question mean? To what does it apply when the form is simply "I move the previous question?" How may it be qualified?

(9) Give form for chairman in stating the previous question on all pending questions. Why is a viva voce vote not generally used in taking the vote on the previous question?

(10) Write the form to illustrate what a member says when he moves the previous question on the amendment only, and the statement by the chair which should follow.