Page:Robert Barr - Lord Stranleigh Philanthropist.djvu/65

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in the amending. Blessed is he who has nothing, for he need fear no trap. Will you come with me to my house, since all the restaurants of London are closed?"

They walked together to Westminster Bridge, where a friendly policeman whistled for a wandering cab, and then looked with some astonishment at the strangely-assorted pair. A hansom came flying across the bridge in response to the call. The richest man and the poorest in Europe got in together, and drove to Stranleigh House, where his lordship found an excellent supper laid awaiting his return.

"Champagne?" asked Stranleigh.

The Russian hesitated.

"I suppose," he said at last, "you keep no vodka?"

"As it happens," answered Stranleigh with a laugh, "I have just stocked a quantity of it; the best that can be found. My chief Russian friend is to visit me next week."

"I will take a little vodka, then," replied his guest, "since I have fallen into fortunate circumstances. I am sorry to be of such trouble, but the sudden change from hope to realisation has shown me how physically weak I am."

His fine white hand trembled as he raised the