Page:Robert Carter- his life and work. 1807-1889 (IA robertcarterhis00coch).pdf/149

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“An old woman in Mr. McCarter’s family was introduced to me. I asked her how old she was. ‘Don’t know, massa.’ ‘Do you know the Lord Jesus?’ ‘O yes, massa, I sleep with Jesus, I walk with Jesus, I eat with Jesus, I drink with Jesus. Jesus has promised to come soon and take me home.’ And then, pressing her hands upon her breast, she exclaimed, ‘O how happy I shall be!’ Mr. McCarter said that grace had done more for her than any one he ever knew.

“O my dear children, how much reason have you to bless God that you are not placed in the condition of slaves! and yet the poor slave that talked with me to-day about the love of Jesus may take a higher place in the kingdom of Heaven than some of us. May God enable us all to improve our privileges, and while it is yet to-day labor in the Lord’s vineyard as we have opportunity!

“There is much here to arrest the attention of a Northern man, but I do not wish, on the evening of the Lord’s day, to speak of things temporal and transitory. O that the scenes I have witnessed may make me more devoted to the service of the Master than ever before! My mind has been so tossed about and harassed that I cannot attain that blessed peace which I have so often enjoyed at home. The Sabbath has been for many years so laden with blessings, that when I occasionally wander abroad I miss exceedingly the quiet and peaceful enjoyment which I prize so highly. May we remember each other daily at the throne of grace, and fervently pray for such blessings as we so much need. We can thus help each other mightily, though far separated, and in blessing each other be ourselves blessed.

“To-morrow at eight we leave for Nashville. I shall hope for letters there from you all. Will not that be