Page:Robert Carter- his life and work. 1807-1889 (IA robertcarterhis00coch).pdf/151

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“Dear S―, what I have said to T― is nearly as applicable to you. You have grown up together, studied together, eaten together, travelled together. He for whom you are named is an angel in heaven, and will joy over you when you enter in the narrow way that leadeth unto life.

“Dear R―, what shall I say to you? I need not ask you if you love your father and mother. I know you do. Then, my dear boy, pray to God to bless you, and keep you, and lead you in the path your fathers trod, that you may when you die enter their bright abodes on high.

“And my dear little daughter, my only daughter, if you be as good and happy as your parents pray you may be, your portion will be that of those who love and serve the Lord. You will do what you can to please your papa and mamma, and above all to please God. Never forget that God sees you by day and by night. And when you pray, ask for his blessing, as you would ask mamma for bread when you are hungry, or water when you are thirsty.

“And now, my dear wife and children all, my heart yearns over you. May we all be of one heart and of one mind, children of the Most High, journeying to our home above!

“Poor Grandma [Mrs. Thomson], I suppose you think it unkind to address you last. But you know the feelings we all cherish towards you, and it is not so easy to admonish one who was in Christ before I was born. May your last years be your brightest, your happiest, your holiest. Though the earthly spring in which you so much delighted be dried up, the Fountain is still open. May it refresh you daily!”

Mr. Carter’s earnest longing for the conversion of his