Page:Robert W. Dunn - American Company Unions.djvu/69

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American Cast Iron Pipe Co. 36
American Federation of Railroad Workers 11
Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. 18
Atterbury, W. W. 24
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 18, 39, 40, 41, 50
Breach, H. H. 61
Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corp. 47
Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. 6
Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. 8, 27
Company union—
Definition, 4; Extent of, 8; Statistics on, 9: On railroads, 10; Why installed, 12; Specimens of, 19; Tactics of, 46; Introducing, 46; Political activities of, 53; As economic propaganda vehicles, 57; Relation to organized labor, 59; Class collaboration and, 63.
Columbia Conserve Co. 58
Core, H. E. 26
Craft unions, out of date 23
Davis Coal & Coke Co. 8
Davis, James J. 41
Demuth, William & Co. 8
Durham Hosiery Co. 35
Eastman Kodak Co 32
Employee magazines 21, 58
Fitch, John A. 14
Ford, Henry 42
Forstmann & Huffmann Co. 38
General Electric Co. 22
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 17
I. W. W. 56
Interborough Rapid Transit Co. 47
International Harvester Co. 33, 51
Knox Hat Co. 19
League for Industrial Rights 6, 7
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen 10
Meat packing industry 20
Midwest Refining Co. 16
Miller, E. J. 13
Morgan, J. P. & Co. 23
Moriarity, W. D. 15