Page:Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence - 1909.djvu/159

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1306 A.D.]
The Revolt of Robert de Brus.

tin, and Sir John de Menteith, the last named being appointed, by the King's command, in place of Patrick, Earl of March, who, though elected, did not attend. To these commissioners Parliament added twenty-two Englishmen,[1] and together they drew up a constitution, of which the chief provisions were to the following effect:

1. Sir John de Bretaine (Brittany), King Edward's nephew, to be the King's Lieutenant and Warden of Scotland; Sir William de Bevercotes, Chancellor; Sir John de Sandale, Chamberlain; and Sir Robert Heron, Controller.

2. Four pairs of Justiciaries to preside respectively over Lothian, over Galloway, over the district between the Forth and the mountains, and over the district beyond the mountains.

3. Sheriffs to be appointed over every county, natives of either Scotland or England, the most sufficient men and profitable for the King and people, and for the maintenance of peace.

4. The Lieutenant, Chancellor, and Chamberlain to appoint coroners in room of those who should be found unfit, unless these held by charter, in which case the King's pleasure to be taken.

5. Provision for the safe custody of the castles of Roxburgh, Jedburgh, Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Stirling, and Dunbarton.

6. The customs of the Scots and Brets[2] to be prohibited and disused. The Lieutenant, on his com-

  1. Bain, ii., 457.
  2. Including the ordeal by battle in criminal cases, and the law of tanistry in cases of succession to landed property.