Page:Rocking of the cradle, or, Hushy-ba baby.pdf/7

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(illegible text)th the old man, O I was in a huff,
And reckon'd to cut them assunder,
(illegible text)oking that they had been three soldiers in buff,
And come for to rifle and plunder.

(illegible text) they're my three daughters whom I do adore,
(illegible text) frighted from private diversion;
Therefore I put up my old rusty sword,
For why should I be in a passion.

The young maids that these lines revise,
That go out and wash in the night;
Beware of the boys that are hid in the trees,
Lest that they surprise you with fright.


LET Epicures boast of their delicate feasts,
let drunkards enjoy their full bowl;
They senst gives content tho' but homely the fare,
(illegible text)l stile it the feast of the Soul

Pleasure result from an earnest desire
to amuse and enliven the whole;
(illegible text) pleasure is mine, and I'll strive to inspire
the same in each Generous Soul.

(illegible text) mostly pedantic may boast of his power,
which generous thought to controul;
about stoical apathy, reason ne’er checks
the social delights of the Soul.

The beneficent hand of kind Nature has spread
profusion of sweets through the whole;
(illegible text) who would refuse of her bounties to taste
(illegible text)t a sour and a splendid Soul.