Page:Rocky Mountain life.djvu/15

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CONTENTS. Diggers ; misery of tlieir situation, strange mode of lying, with a sketch of their character. The Navijos ; their civilization, hostility to Spaniards, ludicrous barbarity, hraver^^ &c., with a sketch of their country, and why they are less favorable to the whites than formerly. 221 CHAPTER XXII. Uintah trade. Snake Indians ; their country and character. Description of Upper California. The Ea.«tern Section. Great Salt Lake and circumjacent country. Desert. Digger country, and regions south. Fertility of soil. / Prevailing rock and inineraJs. Abundance of wild fruit, grain, and game.*^ Valley of the Colorado. Magnificent scenery. Valleys of the Uintah and other rivers. Vicinity of the Gila. Face of the country, soil &c. Sweet spots. 3Iildness of chraate, and its healthines.s. The natives. Sparsity of inhabitants. No government. All about the Colorado and Gila rivers. Abundance of fish. Trade in pearl oyster-shells. Practicable routes from the United States. 232 CHAPTER XXIII. {ffinerala. Western California. The Sacramento and contiguous regions. Principal rivers. Fish. Commercial advantages. Bay of San Francisco. Other Bays and Harbors. Description of the countiy ; tei-ritory northwest of the Sacramento ; llamath Mountains ; California range and its vicinity ; southern parts ; timber, river-bottoms ; Valleys of Sacramento, del Plumas, and ItJare ; their extent, fertility, timber, and fruit ; wild grahi and clover, spontaneous; wonderful fecundity of soil, and its products ; the productions, climate, luins, and dews ; geological and minei-alogical character ; face of the country ; its water ; its healtliiness ; game ; superabundance of cattle, horses, and sheep, their prices, &c.; beasts of prey; the inhabitants, who; Indians, theix character and condition ; Capital of the Province, v.ith other tovras ; advantages of San Francisco ; inland settlements ; foreigners and McfxieaM ; Government ; its full military strength. Remarks. 239 CHAPTER XXIV. VitdtoTs at Uintah. Adventures of a trapping party. The Munchies, or white Indians ; some accomit of Ihem. Amusements at rendezvous. Mysterious city, and attempts at its eiploration,— speculation relative to its inhabitants, I^ave for Fort liail. Camp at Bear river. Boundary between the U. States and Mexico. Green valleys, &c. Comitry en route. Brown's-hde. Geological observations. Suda, Beer, and SteamJ3oat springs ; their peculi- arities. Minerals. Valley of Bear river ; it^ fertility, timber, and abun- dance of wild fruit. Bufialo berries. Superior advantages^ of tliis section ACneral tar. 250 CHAPTER XXV. yipit HaQ ; iti histoiT, and locality. Information relatlv* to Owgom, Booad^